
Decoding Zoning Data: Understanding the Three Key Offerings in the Real Estate Market

Decoding Zoning Data: Understanding the Three Key Offerings in the Real Estate Market

Zoning data has become increasingly important in the real estate market. However, there is lack of transparency on what constitutes a complete set of zoning data. This post aims to clarify the three types of zoning data offerings available in the market today. Zoning District Names: The Starting Point for...

The Complexity of Zoning Data and the Potential of Advanced Technology

The Complexity of Zoning Data and the Potential of Advanced Technology

Understanding the Importance of Complete and Accurate Zoning Information for Real Estate Development and Property Ownership Digitization and automatic zoning calculation are becoming increasingly popular for their ability to provide accurate and consistent development insight at scale. Traditional collection and dissemination of zoning methods are often manual and prone to...

Exploring the Racial Distribution of Major Cities in Florida

Exploring the Racial Distribution of Major Cities in Florida

An Analysis of Population Demographics in Miami, Orlando, Jacksonville, Tampa, and Tallahassee. The data on race distribution in Florida's major cities reveal interesting patterns. For instance, the more north you go in Florida, the lower the percentage of Hispanic residents in the major cities. Meanwhile, Orlando has a more evenly...

Introducing Deepblocks Developer, a lighter feasibility software. 

Introducing Deepblocks Developer, a lighter feasibility software. 

Deepblocks Developer combines all the functionalities needed to do a back-of-the-envelope calculation for development and acquisition. Excited to introduce a new product, Deepblocks Developer, a back-of-the-envelope software combining 3D modeling, financial projections, and PDF presentations. It's equivalent to having Excel, SketchUp, and PowerPoint in an integrated workflow. All for $18/mo....

Median income from 2013 to 2020 in downtown Fort Worth.

Median income from 2013 to 2020 in downtown Fort Worth.

Some of Fort Worth's downtown tracts' median income has doubled in seven years. Fort Worth’s downtown tracts 1237.00 and 1038.00 are in the top five of economic growth. I used the Deepblocks dynamic layers to see how median income changed from 2013 to 2020. This feature helps create investment narratives...

Feature Friday: Sea Level Rise Dynamic Layer - A tool for investing in coastal cities.

Feature Friday: Sea Level Rise Dynamic Layer - A tool for investing in coastal cities.

How the altitude of land transforms investment narratives in coastal cities. The first time I heard about climate investing was when Little Haiti, a high-altitude Miami neighborhood, began to attract investors and members of nearby communities. Simultaneously, friends in low-altitude waterfront neighborhoods, like Miami Shores, began to sell. Why is...

These neighborhoods in Fort Worth, Texas, have the highest population density growth.

These neighborhoods in Fort Worth, Texas, have the highest population density growth.

Fort Worth neighborhoods with the highest population density growth cluster in the northeast quadrant. Four of the top five tracts in Fort Worth with the highest population density growth are in the northeast quadrant. Something is happening in this region of Fort Worth, and we received validation from the locals...

Visualization of future density: the path of an expanding downtown.

Visualization of future density: the path of an expanding downtown.

Mapping the future of density delivers the direction of a city’s growth. As a real estate developer, I’ve always wondered about the direction in which downtowns grow. Instead of skyrocketing quickly, the wrong guess might leave you waiting twenty years to see desired returns. Deepblocks digitizes zoning to see future...

Deepblocks launches functionality to export development assumptions.

Deepblocks launches functionality to export development assumptions.

FEATURE FRIDAY With Deepblocks, you can export a CSV of the back-of-the-envelope development assumptions and integrate it into your pro forma. There is nothing like building your own real estate development pro-forma. Everyone has their flavor, from simple sketches to elaborate forty-tab masterpieces. A pro-forma is a perspective on the...