
Feature Friday: Sea Level Rise Dynamic Layer - A tool for investing in coastal cities.

How the altitude of land transforms investment narratives in coastal cities. 

The first time I heard about climate investing was when Little Haiti, a high-altitude Miami neighborhood, began to attract investors and members of nearby communities. Simultaneously, friends in low-altitude waterfront neighborhoods, like Miami Shores, began to sell. 

Why is climate risk a key consideration for investment?

During a storm surge, high altitude can save a house, and in some cases life. It seems strange that altitude is not a bigger consideration. Perhaps it is problematic for low-altitude properties that may eventually lose some of their value. 

How do we combine sea level rise into investment decisions?

Deepblocks recently added the Sea Level Rise dynamic layer, now available for every coastal city. We believe the combination of zoning, demographics, and climate risk can be a game-changer for investment narratives and negotiations for acquisition. 

Author Olivia Ramos
Founder and CEO of Deepblocks, holds master's degrees in Architecture from Columbia University and Real Estate Development from the University of Miami. Her achievements before Deepblocks include designing Big Data navigation software for the Department of Defense's DARPA Innovation House and graduating from Singularity University's Global Solutions and Accelerator programs.