
Pioneering Building Development: Harnessing AI for Optimal Locational Decisions

Deepblocks is an AI company dedicated to tackling the challenging question - "Where should I build?" Traditionally, answering this question would require an intimate understanding of local markets or a vast collection of complex datasets that combine information about development capacity, existing property inventory, and population demand.

The Scalability Advantage of Data Science in Market Analysis

Whether cultivating relationships within the market or deciphering these extensive datasets through data science, both processes are time-consuming. The essential advantage of the latter approach is its scalability. Once we establish a formula for data analysis, it can be applied across any market, irrespective of geographical boundaries.

Overcoming Census Data Lag: The Promise of AI Projections

A primary issue when utilizing census data is the inherent time lag. However, Deepblocks believes that Artificial Intelligence can be a powerful tool to overcome this limitation.

Unveiling Demand Through AI: A Case Study of Miami

The accompanying image contrasts the development capacity and existing building area within the City of Miami, categorized by census tract. It highlights the top ten tracts with the most significant development capacity. This data requires the calculator of allowable square feet by zoning at the parcel level.

Tracts of Opportunity: Identifying Areas of High Development Demand

We’ve overlaid existing and potential square feet with population data multiplied by 1,000 sq ft to capture demand in square feet. This strategy suggests that, since 2021, tracts 14.02, 29.0, and 24.02 have demonstrated a strong demand for new development, indicating they could be optimal locations for future building projects.

Olivia Ramos

Author Olivia Ramos
Founder and CEO of Deepblocks, holds master's degrees in Architecture from Columbia University and Real Estate Development from the University of Miami. Her achievements before Deepblocks include designing Big Data navigation software for the Department of Defense's DARPA Innovation House and graduating from Singularity University's Global Solutions and Accelerator programs.