
Leveraging Geospatial Analysis in Real Estate: Introducing the /map Function in ChatDB

The Imperative of Location in Real Estate: Unveiling the /map Function in ChatDB

Real estate, as we often hear, is all about location, location, location. Geospatial analysis is indispensable in this field, providing crucial insights into where events are happening, how they are evolving, and their potential directions of migration. To help visualize these geospatial elements, we've introduced the /map prompt in ChatDB. This tool identifies and highlights tracts that fulfill certain criteria.

Visualizing Rental Trends: Identifying High Rent Growth Areas in Miami Beach with ChatDB

To demonstrate this, we used ChatDB to locate the tract in Miami Beach exhibiting the highest median rent growth. In simpler terms, we sought to understand which areas were becoming more expensive over time. The results aligned with our expectations, with the 'South of Fifth' area emerging as one of the most desirable locations.

Investigating Population and Income Growth: Geospatial Observations from SoFi to Mid-Beach

We further used the /map prompt to investigate tracts with the highest population growth, median rent and median income growth. An intriguing observation was that along the Meridian strip - from South of Fifth (SoFi) to mid-beach - there was minimal change. This consistency could likely be attributed to historical preservation efforts that maintained the same housing types, population, and density over time.

Economic Activity and New Construction: Linking Prosperity and Development through ChatDB

Contrastingly, tracts that showed the most economic activity were those where new construction had prospered. Once we integrate our zoning data into ChatDB, we'll be able to compare economic activity with land availability and predict future development. But remember, this is just iteration one. We are excited about the continuous evolution of this tool and its potential to revolutionize real estate analysis.

More will be revealed,


About Deepblocks:

Deepblocks is state-of-the-art data-driven software that utilizes artificial intelligence to identify the best investment opportunities. Deepblocks digitizes zoning data with precision and provides a comprehensive understanding of city-wide development capacity down to the parcel level. Our GIS-like interface seamlessly integrates demographics, economics, construction activity, crime, ownership, and race to deliver rapid market and site selection capabilities, saving time and effort. Whether you’re a developer, investor, or real estate professional, Deepblocks is the ultimate tool to make informed decisions and stay ahead in the industry.

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Author Olivia Ramos
Founder and CEO of Deepblocks, holds master's degrees in Architecture from Columbia University and Real Estate Development from the University of Miami. Her achievements before Deepblocks include designing Big Data navigation software for the Department of Defense's DARPA Innovation House and graduating from Singularity University's Global Solutions and Accelerator programs.